We are a K-8 Catholic parochial school serving 275 boys and girls in Cincinnati, Ohio.
A Message from Ms. B:
I hope that everyone is having a great summer! We have now reached the midpoint of summer. 4th of July is always a bit bittersweet for those of us in education. It usually means the summer is almost over…or is it age that makes us feel this way? You will start to receive the weekly Paw Prints chock full of information regarding the upcoming year and the end of the summer…such as the OLL SUMMER FESTIVAL! Our festival committee has been hard at work to bring back to the westside the best festival! Everyone loves the Lourdes festival!
Please take a moment to consider what the parish and school does for you and your children and consider giving back in the form of volunteering to work the festival. If you don’t know many people, this is your opportunity to meet some families! If you cannot volunteer during the school year, now is your time! Truly, take some time out of the hustle and bustle of the daily grind and come support the festival however you can!
This Paw Prints includes topics on Transportation issues on Muddy Creek, Festival info, Volleyball sign-ups, Uniform sale (check the skirt length, ladies!), and Safe Parish (which is needed to go on field trips and to be a room parent!).
Here: Ohio Ed Choice you will find an extremely exciting and important piece of information regarding EdChoice for all families, should you qualify (in some cases, regardless of where you live, such as Oak Hills School District!) Please carefully read the information provided by the Archdiocese and the ODE.
If you have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me or Mrs. DiTullio (except, she’s out of town…) and we will get back to you as soon as we can! We will see you soon, right?
Ms. B
MSD's contractor, Green City Demo, is expected to begin construction activity at the site about mid-July 2023. The contractor will generally be working between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Some weekend work may be needed. All phases of construction including restoration, will be completed by October 2023. Inconveniences to your daily activities will be minimized to the greatest extent possible. As noted by MSD, “If a planned interruption of utility service is necessary, you will receive notification prior to the interruption.” We will do our best to keep you as up to date with construction issues that could effect transportation.
The Lourdes Summer Festival is fast approaching and is held on July 28 & 29. We are currently gathering items for the Raffle Baskets. It is easier than ever to donate - see our wish-list of items on Amazon here. Bring your friends, young and old, and work a booth! Enjoy good company and meet new friends, all while having a great time. Please click here to be directed to SignUpGenius. We need your help in making our summer fundraiser a success! Please consider helping this great cause!
Your exclusive back-to-school uniform sale starts NOW: 10% off your order! Until: July 16th, 2023 PROMO CODE REQUIRED: ASL7WM5D18
Girls’ Volleyball 2023-2024
What: Girls 3rd through 8th grade volleyball signups for the upcoming school year!
When: Season starts in November and runs through early January
Registration: Signups are open now and close August 1st. There is a fee for late registrations past August 1st. Click the link to register: https://ollac.sportngin.com/register/form/210925240
*Note: There is an option for injury insurance which is NOT required to play. Select “No” to this option if you do not want it.
Additional Info: 3rd/4th grade teams are instructional. The 5th/6th and 7/8th grade teams will have tryouts on two Sunday evenings in August. Players must be registered to attend tryouts. Tryouts will allow coaches/coordinators to evaluate the player’s skill levels so they can be placed on an appropriate team.
The league has 3 levels (A, B1, and B). If you know your player wishes to be placed on the B level team, please contact us as they will not be required to attend tryouts.
Tentative Tryout Dates: August 20th and August 27nd Please contact Becky Carle (513-314-3182) or Karen Miller (513-498-4329) for volleyball related questions. Email: [email protected]