We are a K-8 Catholic parochial school serving 275 boys and girls in Cincinnati, Ohio.
A Message from Ms. B:
This time of year is always bittersweet. If you have worked with 8th graders or seniors, Graduation is exciting! Students, teachers, and parents are turning the page. We finished one chapter and will be starting another. In the fall, we will be having a very different conversation with the Kindergarten and Freshman parents! It’s all about the “circle of life”, right? Endings and New beginnings. I like to think of it as evolving as a person, as growth and learning. We are innately lifelong learners (little do our students know!).
Our 8th graders learned a lot and taught us just as much. I know I learned a few things this year; I hope that you did too! Their graduation Mass and Ceremony was beautiful and we are proud that 37 students will be moving on to the next chapter in their lives. Congratulations, Class of 2023! Good luck and remember you have a home at Lourdes you can always come back to…to visit!
Sadly and happily, just as our 8th graders are starting their new chapters, there are a few faculty members who are doing the same. Kindergarten and first grade teacher, Mrs. Amy O’Connor has decided to move on to new adventures outside of education for a little while, at least. Mrs. Katie King, junior high Math/ Religion teacher and Director of Student Services, has decided to move on and pursue a new career outside of education. And Elementary Science teacher, Mrs. Kathy Holscher, has decided to become the traveling nomad with her husband Mark. After dedicating her life to Catholic education, (10 years at Lourdes), Mrs. Holscher is retiring. Holschie (as she is known to a few of us) will be back, sometime, we hope. Maybe she will bump into Mrs. Brackmann on her many travels.
Our cute Kindergartners will be starting under the guidance of Ms. Overberg but now, Ms. O and Mrs. Marsh will be sharing the floor with a new face: 1st grade teacher Mrs. Erin Dinkelacker! You may remember that Mrs. Dinkelacker subbed at Lourdes throughout the pandemic. She must have loved the experience so much, that she earned her license and additional degree. Having graduated from Mt. St. Joe, Mrs. Dinkelacker taught at both St. William and Holy Family last year. Welcome to the staff!
For me, nothing is more gratifying than having alumni and parents of students on staff. I feel like that is a winning endorsement and true testimony to the excellence in education, the great community, and our students’ efforts in service. We currently have 3 teachers on staff with current students (6 kids total), 2 teachers with graduates (10 kids total), 3 alumnae, and countless relatives! That says something!
Good luck to all in your next chapter, we wish you nothing but the best and hope you look back on your years with OLL, fondly. Enjoy your summer, you’ll be hearing from us soon!
Ms. B
In speaking about the Eucharist, St. Augustine said, "Believe what you see, see what you believe and become what you are: the Body of Christ." In sacramental Communion, we receive Christ's real presence, his Body and Blood. While the graces received by participating at Mass are not solely received through sacramental Communion, the more perfect means of participating in the Eucharist includes receiving Holy Communion when properly disposed. Our reception of Communion nourishes and strengthens us so that we may become more fully who we are as baptized Christians-members of Christ's Body. We encourage you to join us for Mass on the weekend at one of the churches in our Family of Parishes.
1. St. Antoninus: 3 p.m., Sat. & 9:30 a.m., Sun.
2. St. Aloysius Gonzaga: 3:30 p.m., Sat. & 10 a.m., Sun.
3. St. Catharine: 4:30 p.m., Sat. & 11 a.m. Sun.
4. St. Martin of Tours: 8:30 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. on Sun.
If you are unable to attend Mass on Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning, both St. Lawrence Church & St. Dominic offer Mass at 7 p.m. on Sunday evening.
From the OLLAC
The registration site has been fixed for girls and boys soccer. Click the links below to register for fall 2023 sports. The “On Time” registration $20 discount is applied to the cart at check out. Make sure and register before the published deadline. See deadline by clicking on the registration link below.
Boys/Girls Soccer April 1 - May 31 Grades 1-8 Punctual Fee - $60 Late Fee - $80
Girls Soccer – https://ollac.sportngin.com/register/form/ 124681129
Boys Soccer – https://ollac.sportngin.com/register/form/ 965044036
Football March 24-May 31 Grades 1-8 Punctual Fee - $75 Late Fee - $95 Football - https://ollac.sportngin.com/register/form/ 820145113
Our Lady of Lourdes Student Athletes
We are excited to continue to provide students the opportunity to play football with current classmates and the ability to meet new friends at local schools through our football program. The Volunteer Football program will continue to participate in the Greater Cincinnati Youth League (www.gcyl.org) and will play our home games at St. Jude Field while using David James Field (located at Oskamp Park) for practices throughout the week. Season starts in the Fall of 2023.
Click Here to Register: Lourdes Football Registration
Questions or concerns please contact the football commissioner: Fuzz Carle - [email protected]